Thursday 2 March 2017

Unit 27: Factual Programme Techniques

  1. Understand issues relating to factual programming for television.
  2. Understand codes and conventions of factual programming for television.
  3. Be able to plan and research a factual program for television.
  4. Be able to produce a factual program for television. 

Understand issues relating to factual programming for television:
  • Issues - accuracy; balance; impartiality; objectivity; subjectivity; opinion; bias; representation; access; privacy; contract with viewer etc.
Understand codes and conventions of factual programming for television:
  • News - studio news readers; field reporters; links to studio; mode of address to viewer; interviewing; experts and witnesses; report structure; actuality footage etc.
  • Documentary - documentary formats (expository, observational, interactive, reflexive, performative); realism; dramatisation; ëarrativisation etc.
Be able to plan and research a factual program for television:
  • Genres - news; documentary, eg docudrama, docusoap, infotainment, ‘reality’ TV, educational, wildlife, special interest, makeover; magazine; discussion; review; chat show.
  • Develop ideas - program concept; target audience; development techniques, eg creation of narrative, scenario, synopsis, research process, interview questions.
  • Research - primary sources, eg contacts, interviews; secondary sources, eg broadcasts, reviews, internet, archives; checking information.
  • Legal and ethical considerations - filming in public; clearances and permissions; privacy; libel and defamation; requirements of the Broadcasting Act 1994; BBC producers’ guidelines; Ofcom.
  • Planning - production organization  roles and responsibilities; schedules; interview and contacts appointments; location recess; budget (planned, evolving); risk assessments; documentation.
  • Proposal: subject idea; format; genre; style; audience; intended aim; budget.
Be able to produce a factual program for television:
  • Production techniques - filming (general views, interviews, cut-aways); graphics; scripted pieces to camera; studio; location; public space; sound (ambient sound, wild track, interviews, presenter’s descriptions, studio sound).
  • Production management - monitoring progress; identifying and solving problems; production organisation, eg call sheets, equipment booking, location management, logistics management
  • Editing: creating narrative; conveying meaning; illustrating topic.

Examples of factual programs are shown in clips below.

Planet Earth - Documentary 

Newsnight - News

How Television Works - Educational

The Specials - Docusoap

Threads - Docudrama

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