Thursday 9 March 2017

Assignment 4: Interview Production

Assessor: Gilly Hope
Hand-in deadline: 15th March 2017 (2:30 PM)
Unit: 36 - Interview Techniques for Creative Media Production
Scenario: You have been commissioned to research, plan and record a 4 minute interview to be broadcasted within the college, either radio/audio broadcast or a filmed recording.


Research and produce your own interview with anyone. Plan the structure of the interview and identify purposes. You must think of:
  • the purpose of the interview - inform; educate; entertain.
  • the plans - location; date and time of recording; setting; recording methods; interviewee.
  • the structure - question formulation; interviewing style; introduction; summary.
  • the preparations - consent; copyright issues; agreements; dealing with talent.
You must then conduct the interview according to your plans, as well as make note of any changes made. Finally, you must then record your interview for broadcasting.

- Address the criteria -
  • Interview my girlfriend about hairdressing?
  • Chat with a lecturer concerning coursework?
  • Discuss stuff with a class mate?
  • Maybe an interview with my brother? 
  • Perhaps interview someone after a viewing, giving a sort of interview-review angle to the broadcast?
  • Nate Anderson - interview a wrestling trainee?
I have come to the conclusion that I shall interview my lecturer, Gilly Hope, on her work at the BBC. Initially, I had a deal to work and interview with aspiring wrestler Nate Anderson; however, due to disclosure agreements in his contract, I was unprivileged to do so.
The Purpose

To become more informed on the topic of works that the interviewee is involved in, as well as ask opinions she may have about her work or what it concerns. Questions will concern work in the BBC and here in Bede campus. 

The Plan

Location: Sunderland College, Bede Campus
Date: 03/09/17
Time: 11:45 am - 12:05 pm
Setting: a quiet, closed-off area (preferably an empty classroom)
Recording Device: camera
Interviewee: Gillian Middleton a.k.a Gilly Hope

The Structure

Formula - the following are the questions:
  1. Did you work firstly for the BBC or here at Bede?
  2. When did you first decide you wanted to work within the media industry?
  3. How did you get into the media industry yourself? How did you apply yourself into the BBC and get work here in Bede?
  4. Is it at all what you expected? 
  5. What are you working towards: continuing your career path in the BBC or in education?
  6. Do you have any regrets regarding your choice in career path?
  7. Speaking on your current occupation as a morning radio weather broadcaster, do you hope to expand your range by venturing into other forms of broadcasting?
  8. Concerning mainstream media news, do you think it often times gets a bad reputation or is well earned by audiences?
  9. Are there recent events that have either encouraged or discouraged you into delving further into broadcasting?
  10. What are your favorite parts about working in education and in media?
Style: laid-back, informative and personal; non-confrontational 
Introduction: to be shown via title cards following video editing
Summary: an interview with Gilly Hope a.k.a Gillian Middleton on her work at both Bede College and the BBC.

The Preparations


I have discussed this with Gilly and she has agreed to the interview, and there shall be a written form of consent signed. 

Copyright Issues 

No issues will be made out of copyright. All material used is original and of my own use. Audio material will be uploaded and edited from a voice recording device.


A form of written consent shall be made before the interview is made. The following screenshot below is the consent form.

Dealing of Talent

Talent will be notified at a determined time for when the interview will take place. This must occur before 15th March hand-in deadline, and preparations must be made on the part of the producer. 

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