Thursday 9 March 2017

Assignment 4: Music Video Production

Assessor: Keith Lawler
Hand-in deadline: 9th March 2017
Unit: 29 - Music Video Production
Scenario: After demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of music video production, and completed all pre-production tasks and planning tasks, you can now film and edit your music video production. Complete your music video production working within appropriate video conventions. 


Work as a team to complete your music video production to a near professional standard.

Managing Production:
  • Produce a production file to help with the production.
  • Create a production schedule and update where necessary.
  • Ensure all members of the team exchange roles.
  • Ensure everything is documented.
  • Maintain professional behavior and health and safety requirements at all times. 
  • Each member of the team will edit their own section of the footage.
EVIDENCE REQUIRED: Individually edit and export the music video, as well as document a team production file.


01/19/17: On this day we have begun the animation of our lyric music video for The Weather Girls' "It's Raining Men". So far so good, as everyone has pitched in on editing footage, albeit in different ways and by their own accord. With this beginning we have the groundwork to move forward on creating our very own animated music video. 

01/20/17: Thus far we have produced our team production file and completed all of the necessary paperwork for our documentation. All members of the team have exchanged roles as editors and we are working well together. Today is just a bit of self reflection. Moving forward we need only focus on the editing of our music video and updating our process.

02/02/17: Today, we have allocated our separate clips among our five team mates (including myself). The song has been split in five parts for each individual to work on and edit to their desire. We first encountered problems in exchanging the sound file for the song across computers, trying various ways to sent it to team mates. We resorted to sending each individuals spliced audio to them to edit how they see fit. A continuity of sorts will take place, with the background going from dark to light blue (resembling the sky). As for me I will be working on the second to last clip of audio.

02/09/17: Jodie is on a trip to Paris, thus delaying her part of the editing. Nothing to worry about however, as we have all made good progress. I have sorted all my lyrics into the correct arrangement, now all that remains is editing them into a way that is not boring or mundane like any other typical lyric video. Rebecca has made good progress on on making transitions between lyrics, and it has helped us a ton, as she has shared this knowledge with the group. Mattie has made strides, sorting through the background and lyrics. As for Annie, she has also made efforts in her production.

02/16/17: as of now, Jodie and Annie have begun adding in their lyrics and are making an effort to complete their respective works. Mattie is continuing editing while Rebecca is almost done. Meanwhile, I need to add in animations for my lyrics to make them more flashy and appealing, and less plain and mundane.

02/17/17: thus far Rebecca has pretty much completed her part, with Mattie still behind, and Annie and Jodie getting on with help from Rebecca. As for me I am carefully trying to apply animations, and finish off the project. Rebecca has confirmed that her part of the music video editing is complete.

03/02/17: the original deadline. As of now, I Rebecca and Mattie have completed our part of the production. We will be assisting both Annie and Jodie in finishing theirs.

03/09/17: this is our deadline. Still awaiting Jodie and Annie's work to be finished. Jodie is confident it will be done and dusted; however, in contrast, Annie is not so certain. Help will be required. 


Annie, Becca and Jodie have all pitched in and made efforts on our primary music video production, adding ideas and features to the product. Mattie and I have tried our hand at our very own music videos via Adobe Premiere, using the same song. I personally have been able to develop my thoughts and skills while working on my own project, and has helped me to time my edits right. I keep a little Word not journal to help document my edits, according to the time signatures.

As of now we have split the music track into 5 separate parts among our team mates. Each shall individually work on their own part and then come together to collaborate and put together our lyric video. The end result should see all individual's edits come together to make a full-fledged lyric video.

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