Thursday 18 May 2017

Assignment 6: Plan, Research and Produce

Assessor: Gilly Hope
Deadline: 24th May 2017
Unit: 27 - Factual Programme Production Techniques for TV
Scenario: Your community TV station is due to launch. Your production company has been commissioned to produce a 5-7 minute short factual program for broadcast.


Build a portfolio of research and pre-production materials needed to effectively produce the program. Include the following:
  • Proposed ideas - what is the format? Genre? Style? Audience? Aim/motive?
  • Develop idea - what is the synopsis? Possible contributors? Storyboard?
  • Research - primary and secondary sources? 
  • Legal and ethical considerations - filming in public? Clearances and permissions? Privacy? Libel and defamation?
  • Roles and responsibilities - schedules? Interviews? Contacts? Scouting? Risk assessments?

Film, edit and store the work. Be sure to complete the following:
  • Production techniques - filming, graphics, scripts, location and sound.
  • Production management - monitor progress, identifying and solving problems, organizing, booking equipment and ensuring return. 

This portfolio is currently being completed and compiled as part of a Word document. 

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