Thursday 9 February 2017

Assignment 3: Interview Techniques & Magazine Article

Assessor: Gilly Hope
Hand-in deadline: 8th February 2017 (2:30 pm)
Unit: 36 - Interview Techniques for Creative Media Production
Scenario: You have been commissioned to produce a magazine article for "BROADCAST MONTHLY".


Understand interview purposes and techniques:
  • Produce a magazine article to show your understanding of interview purposes an techniques used by professional interviewers/journalists.
  • Include examples and use correct subject terminology.
  • Explore techniques of either TV, radio, online or print - choose three. 
  • Give journalistic context.
Techniques of interviews concerning TV, radio, online and print must be explained.


The purposes of interviews; choose three:
  • Research - enhance understanding for the audience.
  • Informational - presenting information.
  • Interpretive - explaining or expressing of an opinion.
  • Justification - accountability.
  • Emotional - allowing audience insight to a situation.
  • Entertainment - entertain an audience. 
Research, include and explain the following interview techniques:
  • Open/closed questions
  • Single questions
  • Multiple direct
  • Suggestive question
Research, include and explain the following interview styles:
  • Hard news
  • Combative/aggressive 
  • Promotional entertainment 
  • emotional
Types of structures:
  • Intro
  • Developmental questions
  • Key questions
  • Soundbites
  • Summary
  • Wind up
Communication skills:
  • Building confidence 
  • Body language

- Explain thoroughly and give examples -

This assignment will be completed via Microsoft Word and be both emailed and printed off for hand-in.

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